Mary The Humble Maidservant Of God

Roman Catholic Church’s official position is that Jesus’ mother Mary remained a virgin for her entire life (perpetual virginity). The bible never affirms that, and instead notes about her children who came after Jesus. So Catholic church gives an inordinate amount of importance (and even worship) to Mary. Sometimes the opposite reaction in protestant churches to completely dismiss Mary’s life and godly character can be an extreme or incorrect position to hold. In this passage, we learn who is Mary, and what lessons we can learn from her submission to God.

Understanding The Nature Of Church Discipline

We live in a culture which promotes freedom from accountability, regulations, rules etc. But in Christianity, the church cannot be sustained without certain organisational structure. The Lord has instituted His church with certain structure, operated through pastors, elders and deacons to counsel, guide, correct, rebuke and restore the congregation or an individual towards righteousness. This function is often referred to as Church Discipline. It is one of those essential marks of a healthy church. In this passage, we learn the nature of Church Discipline and why Christians need it.

Head Coverings

Head covering is a very contentious issue. However, this shouldn’t divide churches or break fellowship with others because head covering is not a practice upon which the church is built, in this sense it is a secondary issue. The church is built upon the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Having said that, we should not avoid learning about this practice and its importance in worship. This passage explores head covering and its implications in our context.