As we continue to learn from the greatest sermon Jesus preached, He teaches us how hypocritical devotion to God is dishonoring to Him and ultimately rendering ineffective service to God and the people around. In this passage, the discourse on prayer especially emphasizes and reflects on God’s Fatherly love for His people as a motivation to pray.
Topic: Spiritual warfare
How To Pray
What Is True Fasting?
Many Christians approach the topic of fasting as a legalistic practice, trying to please (bribe) God into favor toward us in some way or the other. But the Bible is more nuanced on fasting than we usually tend to think and practice. In this passage, we learn what kind of Spiritual importance Fasting holds.
Continual Repentance
Bible is clear on how sin needs to be dealt with in Christian life. As we close the series on Jeremiah, we hear the final words from the prophet on what Christian life is and how we are to live it. We learn how repentance is the way to persevere in faith.