In Christ, we have every spiritual blessing granted to us. The first Spiritual blessing is His election or predestination. God chooses sinners before the foundation of world. In this passage, we learn why and how God elects sinners to be saved.
Topic: Sovereignty of God
The Indestructible Word
Unlike us, God never fails to keep His promises. The Bible is filled with His promises, and one of His promises is that His word will never fail to fulfill His purposes. In this passage, we learn that this word from God can never be destroyed which is contained the scriptures.
Nothing Is Too Hard For God
It is so easy to confess that nothing is too hard or impossible with God, and that is true. But it is one thing to confess it but entirely another thing to demonstrate our faith in God’s power, or His ability. In this passage, we learn how to demonstrate and also experience the power of God in our lives.
Being Devoted
Christian life is always about believers strengthening each other in the Lord. Sometimes a Christian need to initiate or be the source of encouragement in another’s life. In this passage, we see how Ruth’s godliness and her devotion revives Naomi’s Spiritual health, which in turn enables Naomi to take initiative in progressing Ruth’s life.
Getting Out Of Difficult Situations
Christians can never be hopeless or in despair because they always have God on their side for help. But in reality, most Christians have a tendency to doubt God’s presence and His goodness in their life, which leads them to be in despair. In this passage, we see how God’s providence brings Christians out of difficult and desperate situations.
Be Believing
Christian life is about learning to trust God simply because of His unfailing love towards us as His children, and also for God’s faithfulness in keeping promises throughout history. The reason why trusting and believing in God is essential for us to persevere in faith is because we’re incapable of handling circumstances and uncertainties in life by our own strength and wisdom. This passage shows us how we’re called to keep believing in God’s promises especially when the situation might appear unfavorable.
God’s Work Of Creation
Evolution theory states that the world came into existence without God and evolved through millions of years, but the Bible doesn’t authenticate any of these claims. In fact, the Bible asserts that this world and the entire universe came into existence through the power of God’s word and that He created all of them through a span of six literal days. He spoke, and things came into existence out of nothing. In this sermon, we learn the beauty of God’s creation, and how evolution is not just incompatible with the Bible’s view of creation, but also an attempt to disprove God’s existence.