The Bible constantly reminds its readers to beware of false prophets and false teachers. But it also reminds of false conversions or people who profess faith in Christ, but from the inside they are not genuine Christians. In this passage, we learn how to identify a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Topic: Saving Faith
Living a Life of Faith
Being A True Disciple Of Christ
Exaltation & Humiliation
We see in the Bible, that God often uplifts the lowly and the oppressed. Also, He often humbles the proud. This is how His kingdom works. In this passage, we learn how Jesus demonstrates His love toward the helpless, but also humbles the exalted.
Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
In our culture, Christianity is often presented as a religion of supernatural healing (from diseases, chronic illnesses) and miracles (prosperity, prevention of death, dreams and visions, tongues). It is also seen as religion of prophecy about the end times. All of these gifts are seen as the necessary manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. In this passage, we learn how the ministry of the Holy Spirit is not mainly about tongues, prophecy and supernatural healings, but of Spiritual transformation in our lives through the ordinary means which God appointed.