Pursuing Unity

The world’s definition of unity and the practice of it is very different from that of the Bible. Christian unity is very radical, in that, it transcends beyond cultural and economical boundaries. In this passage of Ephesians, Paul directs our thoughts on why pursuing unity matters for believers and how to practice it.

Love Your Enemies

In the Bible, even though God opposes the proud or the one who rejects Him, God still expects His people to show love towards unbelievers because He himself is merciful and benevolent towards them. In this passage, we learn how to love unbelievers and also those people who intentionally persecute us.

Practice Godly Sorrow

Christian life is all about turning away from our sins and turning towards God as a way of renewing and strengthening our relationship with Him in faith. This needs to be an integral part of our practical Christian living. Repentance is a way of turning God’s Fatherly displeasure on us into a joyful embrace. This assurance about God’s embrace of us in Jesus Christ is also experienced when we practice godly sorrow by repenting of the sins we have committed against God and His people.

Be Reconciled To God

What is the solution for two parties to no longer be in enmity with each other? The only possible solution is to reconcile. But reconciliation is often initiated by first person toward another and is more inclined to settle the matter at personal cost. In this passage, we see God taking such posture of reconciliation toward mankind, even to the point of sacrificing His own Son, Jesus Christ. He ordains His Son to die on the cross on behalf of sinners, so that they would be reconciled to Himself. Reconciliation is made possible only through the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ.

What is Love? – Part 4

Christians are called to reflect the character of God. This passage lists out various characteristics which believers need to exhibit. In the last part of this section, we see how love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but in truth. Love also forebears all things when someone sins against us, because God has been forbearing towards us when we sin against Him. Gospel becomes the foundation on which we relate to other people in love.

Participate In The Lord’s Supper Worthily

Lord’s Supper is a sacred practice in the church. It demonstrates the remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on the cross. We also remember how that made our Heavenly Father forgive sinners. But how is it suppose to reflect in our relationships in the church? How does it help us to have the right attitude? This passage teaches us the manner in which we should participate Lord’s supper.

Do Not Take Your Brother To Court

Christians are called to handle conflicts (to whatever extent) in a different way and in a different place called Church. In other words, Christians are forbidden to take their brothers to court. Why are they forbidden? Because of the gospel! In this passage, we learn how the gospel becomes the basis on which we deal with conflicts and forgive one another, regardless of the kind of sin committed.