The Resurrection Power

Too often in our Christian community the resurrection of Christ is seen as of secondary importance. It is neglected and overlooked until Easter comes around each year. The same disregard for the resurrection is seen in the failure to apply this beautiful doctrine in our own personal lives, apart from merely providing arguments for it in our discussions. In these passages, we learn what power the truth about resurrection produces and transforms those who embrace it as the integral part of their walk with Christ.

Marks Of A True Christian – Part 2

In the Bible, God sets aside His redeemed people primarily to fellowship with Him and to glory Him by reflecting His character through His people in this world. God is glorified when His redeemed people show certain marks that remind the world about God and His kingdom. In this passage, we learn how sincere love for others and constantly fighting sin in our lives through repentance and overcoming temptation, are the ongoing marks of a true Christian.

Praise The Lord

We usually express gratitude through praise when someone helps us at a time of helplessness. We also bestow honor and praise to someone who is very prominent in the society. So our praise of someone is often dependent on what they have done for us, or who they are as a person. What if the God of the Bible is both generous or kind towards us at every situation in our lives and also the Greatest in this entire universe? In this passage, we learn how we need to praise God and the importance of doing it.

God’s Work Of Providence

Only Christianity as a religion teaches that God works out all things according to His will (Eph. 1:11) showing us that everything has a purpose and that all events occur according to the eternal plan of God. He ordains both the elect and a reprobate’s destiny. The doctrine of Providence also teaches that God is working out every detail of our lives such that He preserves, protects and sustains us in the path of righteousness forever…

The Purpose Of Suffering – Part 2

Elisabeth Elliot on suffering once said ― “Whatever is in the cup that God is offering to me, whether it be pain and sorrow and suffering and grief along with the many more joys, I’m willing to take it because I trust Him.” This needs to be the response of every Christian in times of suffering, because hardships are inevitable in this life. In this passage, we learn how suffering should enable us to trust in God, an expression of our humility and dependency on Him alone.

What Is Love? – Part 2

Jealousy is unhealthy craving of those things which the other person has, but envy is being astonished and feeling bitter towards a person who possesses something which you badly want. These two emotions are just two sides of the same coin. In this passage, we learn how envy, covetousness and pride poisons us and hinders our fellowship with God and His people.

Live Wisely Because Life Is Short!

As we enter into the new year of 2020, we often come with a sober reminder of things happened in past and things we hope would happen in the future. Our new year resolutions are filled with ideas and principles relating to prosperity either in terms of wealth, health or spiritual life; we want a rewarding life. In this passage, the Psalmist Moses reminds us of the author of our lives, which is God himself, who need to be acknowledged because our very existence depends on Him. Not only that, but our very destiny depends on Him. For Christians, God is their rewarding life!

Enjoy God

Enjoying someone or something is to be human. According to the Bible, man’s chief end is to not just glorify God but to also enjoy him forever. Which means the ultimate purpose for man’s existence is to enjoy God. But why do we enjoy God? One simple fact is that he created us, he made us for himself, to find our pleasure and ultimate satisfaction in Him alone. In this sermon, we learn how to enjoy God through our lives.