The Bible doesn’t shy away from confronting and rebuking our sins committed against God and His people. When such a reminder is given to us because of our sins, God expects all of us to practice repentance. In this Passage, we learn what true repentance is and how can we practice true repentance.
Topic: Overcoming sin
How To Overcome Depression
If depression is prevalent in the world at large, it is even more so in the church. Depression is a common struggle Christians experience because of their own failure to grapple with the situation in life, and also their limitation or inability in controlling the outcomes which they never expected or wanted to avoid at all cost. In this passage, we learn the characteristics, causes, and the cure for depression, as we see David battling with it.
Marks Of A True Christian – Part 2
In the Bible, God sets aside His redeemed people primarily to fellowship with Him and to glory Him by reflecting His character through His people in this world. God is glorified when His redeemed people show certain marks that remind the world about God and His kingdom. In this passage, we learn how sincere love for others and constantly fighting sin in our lives through repentance and overcoming temptation, are the ongoing marks of a true Christian.