Right beliefs lead to right living. Our behavior indicates what we actually believe deep down in our hearts. In Christianity, a person needs to know, believe and trust that Jesus Christ died as a substitute for his/her sins, only then that person is saved and accepted by God. However, Christian life is not just about believing in Jesus, but also showing forth good works (right living) as a result of knowing and trusting in Jesus (right belief). In this sermon, we learn that right belief and right living are interconnected in christian life because that’s exactly what the Bible principally teaches.
Topic: Nominal Christianity
Forsake Nominal Christianity
Nominal Christians are those people whose life is not characterized by repentance, obedience and faith in Christ, but they’re found in the church gatherings just to maintain their religious status. It is necessary to examine our lives and see if our professed love for God stretch into action and showcase Christlike character. In this passage, we learn how we can forsake nominal Christianity and continue to walk faithfully in the path that Christ has called us.