Blaise Pascal once said – “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.” In this passage, we learn how to find our satisfaction and fulfillment only in God.
Topic: Love for God
Find Comfort In God’s Love
God repeatedly reminds His people about His covenant love. Christian life is not just about understanding Christ’s love for us, and our response towards Him, but it’s also about understanding God’s Fatherly love towards us, which is an everlasting love.
A Life Pleasing To Christ
Pleasing God is not an everyday word. It’s an idea that has little value in our self-focused, instant-gratification world. Regardless of trends, culture, or opinion, pleasing God through obedience—remains a vital part of our journey with Christ. In this passage, we learn what motivations we need to have in order to lead a life pleasing to Christ.