The entire world is obsessed with making money. People are obsessed with money primarily because of the life and security it provides. Handling money is an inevitable aspect of our lives, which is why Jesus teaches us how to deal with wealth and possessions in accordance to His will.
Topic: Kingdom of God
What Should We Pray?
It is important to keep our attitude in check while we pray, because we are invited to speak to Creator of Heaven and Earth. We simply cannot pray to Him without reverence, or pray to impress others. But it is also important to know what should be the content of our prayer towards Him.
Being Devoted
Christian life is always about believers strengthening each other in the Lord. Sometimes a Christian need to initiate or be the source of encouragement in another’s life. In this passage, we see how Ruth’s godliness and her devotion revives Naomi’s Spiritual health, which in turn enables Naomi to take initiative in progressing Ruth’s life.
Seek the Praise of God Not Man
What does it mean to seek the praise of God and not man. Take a listen.
Jesus Cares For You
In this sermon, Pastor Venkatesh explains how Jesus cares for his disciples. Jesus cares for us by calling us to his sabbath rest, by teaching us truth, and by providing us an abundance.
Jesus Call to Discipleship
Jesus calls all his followers to be his disciples. What does this call look like in daily life? In this sermon, Pastor Venkatesh explains that being Jesus’s disciple means to love him above your family and vocation.
Kingdom of God and Adversity
In this sermon, Pastor Venkatesh explains how the Kingdom of God advances despite adversity. Despite the temptations of Satan, despite the beheading of John, the kingdom of God still progressed through the coming of Jesus Christ.