Do Not Be Self-Deceived

Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit through God’s word, a Christian can be self-deceived for this entire life. How can we as Christians avoid self-deception? How can we prevent ourselves from succumbing to the temptations in our lives? In other words, how can we grow more in holiness? Listen to the sermon to find out.

How To Avoid Being An Apostate Church?

God often gently convicts His people of their sinfulness and rebelliousness even when the sins of His people might seem like an insignificant sin, lest such a sin grow into fruition. But when a nation commits idolatry, God also does not withhold from punishing and rebuking them. In this passage, we learn how to avoid being in opposition or hostile to God and His ways in our daily lives.

Becoming A Wise And Understanding People

Christians in the Bible and in general have often been convicted of the foolishness and evilness in being quick to practice what is prohibited by God. How can Christians be wise and understanding people? How can they prevent from making the same mistakes again and again? In other words, how can they be obedient to God? Listen to the sermon to find out.