The Justice Of God

We live in the world of injustice. What we see is evil, murder, abuse, corruption, partiality, discrimination, rape and the list goes on…We can all sense the injustice around us because we are made in the image of God, we have been given the ability to do Justice. The other sad reality is that we’re not just the recipients or victims of injustice, but also the perpetrators of injustice (even if it’s done in small ways). So how does a just and righteous God deal with injustice around us and injustice because of us? What does God expect from us? Listen to the sermon to find out.

Crucified for Rebels

We see an innocent man, a just man being accused and despised to be crucified. Even Pilate (a pagan) couldn’t find any fault in Christ. In this passage Mark tells us how Christ went through such accusation and was subjected to injustice only to exempt the rebels and sinners like us from the ultimate judgement of God. We deserved that just punishment of God for our sins but because He loves us, Christ took the blame on Himself, so that rebels like us could be set free.