What will you do when you are persecuted and your life is at stake especially because of your obedience to Jesus Christ? Most of us can try to be diplomatic and save our lives if we’re summoned by the government authorities. In this passage, God describes how a true disciple remains to faithful to Him in the midst of persecution.
Topic: Idolatry
Boast In The Lord
Our boasting in material things and in people is a reflection of how much we have trusted ourselves to the earthly things in life. We even boast in our wisdom and might. But all these things pale in comparison in front of what God is and what He possesses. In this passage, we learn how God’s children are to boast only in Him.
How To Avoid Being An Apostate Church?
God often gently convicts His people of their sinfulness and rebelliousness even when the sins of His people might seem like an insignificant sin, lest such a sin grow into fruition. But when a nation commits idolatry, God also does not withhold from punishing and rebuking them. In this passage, we learn how to avoid being in opposition or hostile to God and His ways in our daily lives.
Let Us Not Participate In Pagan Communal Meals
When we participate in the Lord’s supper and have communal meals together, we’re not involved in empty rituals. We remember the ultimate sacrifice Christ has done for us on the cross, so we do it by faith. Not only that, but we also have fellowship with the members of the church because we have all been united in Christ. Similarly, when pagans celebrate their festivals with communal meals, they have fellowship with their pagan gods. This passage teaches us that if we partake in such pagan communal meals, we’re committing idolatry.
Don’t Treat Pastors Like God!
In our Indian culture, to correct a leader or provide a constructive feedback to a Pastor in the church is considered offensive, and sadly many leaders in our churches are allowed to hold an unquestionable authority. In other words, people often treat Pastors like God. In this passage, the apostle Paul reminds us to not idolize pastors, leaders and deacons of the church because they cannot give life or growth to anybody, only God can!
Do Not Repeat the Sins of Israel
What are the sins of ancient Israel that the present-day church must avoid? They are idolatry, irreverence, and ungodly leadership. Listen to understand more.