Are we saved initially by God’s grace and then sustained spiritually by our good works? What is the role of God’s grace in our salvation? What are the “acts” dependent on us to be saved? Is anything dependent on us so that we can inherit salvation? Listen to learn more on how a man is saved unto eternal life.
Topic: Good works
By Grace Through Faith
Being A True Disciple Of Christ
The Bible constantly reminds its readers to beware of false prophets and false teachers. But it also reminds of false conversions or people who profess faith in Christ, but from the inside they are not genuine Christians. In this passage, we learn how to identify a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Living In Exile
In the Bible, Israelites living in exile was often a result of their disobedience and their lack of trust in Yahweh. Instead of repenting of their sins, they grumbled against God without understanding His purpose for their lives even during their state of exile. This passage reminds us how we can be like Israelites, but also shows us the remedy to live a purposeful life.
Be A Pliable Clay in God’s Hand
God often uses man as a vessel for His own Holy purposes. But He not just uses people for His purposes, God also shapes them into a particular vessel so that His children can fulfill their intended purpose in life. In this passage, we learn how God is a potter, and we are His clay who are shaped into Christlikeness as vessels of His glory.
Keep The Lord’s Day Holy
Most of us in theory accept the ten commandments, but in practice observe only the nine commandments. The most neglected commandment by Christians is on observing the Sabbath. In this passage, we learn how God designed Sabbath for His people, and why it still remains to be observed by Christians today.
Being A Bold Christian
In the Bible, whenever God calls His Prophets and Servants, it would always be for a specific task in order to be God’s faithful messengers. But God’s calling is not just limited to prophets, kings and priests but also extends to every Christian. In this Book of Jeremiah, we learn what God’s calling in our lives entails.
Marks Of A True Christian – Part 3
Christian Life consists of various character qualities which are an indication of our genuine faith in Christ. God expects His children to exhibit certain spiritual qualities so that the world might glorify His name. In this passage, we learn about being faithful in our callings, and also to seek God’s approval in everything that we do.
The Goodness Of God
“God is goodness itself, in whom all goodness is involved. If therefore we love other things for the goodness which we see in them, why do we not love God, in whom is all goodness? All other things are but sparks of that fire, and drops of that sea. If you see any good in the creature, remember there is much more in the Creator. Leave therefore the streams, and go to the fountainhead of comfort.” These are the words by puritan Richard Sibbes beautifully portraying the goodness of God toward mankind. In this sermon, we meditate on God’s goodness and our response to that glorious truth.