Prayer For Spiritual Growth

How often do we pray for the Spiritual growth of our brothers and sisters? Why is the prayer for spiritual growth such a big deal in the bible than the prayers for material blessings? Why do we need to pray for God to strengthen us in our inner being (our heart and our soul) and not necessarily to gain physical strength? Listen to the sermon to learn more on Paul’s prayer.

By Grace Through Faith

Are we saved initially by God’s grace and then sustained spiritually by our good works? What is the role of God’s grace in our salvation? What are the “acts” dependent on us to be saved? Is anything dependent on us so that we can inherit salvation? Listen to learn more on how a man is saved unto eternal life.

How To Pray

As we continue to learn from the greatest sermon Jesus preached, He teaches us how hypocritical devotion to God is dishonoring to Him and ultimately rendering ineffective service to God and the people around. In this passage, the discourse on prayer especially emphasizes and reflects on God’s Fatherly love for His people as a motivation to pray.

Do Not Be Anxious

Anxiety is a universal mental disease which wrecks our hearts and minds into endless cycle of fear and restlessness. Our Savior Jesus Christ has something very comforting to say in this passage, to those suffering with anxiety. Listen and be encouraged!

What Should We Pray?

It is important to keep our attitude in check while we pray, because we are invited to speak to Creator of Heaven and Earth. We simply cannot pray to Him without reverence, or pray to impress others. But it is also important to know what should be the content of our prayer towards Him.

Steadfast Love

Bible constantly emphasizes God’s steadfast love and His mercy towards sinners since the beginning of creation. This kind of love is also reflected through God’s people among themselves. In the Book of Ruth, until 3rd chapter, Ruth’s steadfast love for Yahweh and Naomi’s nation is seen. In this passage, we now see Boaz’s steadfast love and kindness being displayed and its implications for us.

How To Overcome Depression

If depression is prevalent in the world at large, it is even more so in the church. Depression is a common struggle Christians experience because of their own failure to grapple with the situation in life, and also their limitation or inability in controlling the outcomes which they never expected or wanted to avoid at all cost. In this passage, we learn the characteristics, causes, and the cure for depression, as we see David battling with it.