Bible is clear on how sin needs to be dealt with in Christian life. As we close the series on Jeremiah, we hear the final words from the prophet on what Christian life is and how we are to live it. We learn how repentance is the way to persevere in faith.
Topic: Fighting sin
Trusting God In Impossible Situations
Bible keeps reminding us again and again to trust in the Lord especially when we cannot control the outcome. Sometimes we fail to trust in the Lord when we are uncertain about the future. In this passage, we learn how to trust God during impossible situations.
How To Avoid Being An Apostate Church?
God often gently convicts His people of their sinfulness and rebelliousness even when the sins of His people might seem like an insignificant sin, lest such a sin grow into fruition. But when a nation commits idolatry, God also does not withhold from punishing and rebuking them. In this passage, we learn how to avoid being in opposition or hostile to God and His ways in our daily lives.
Pursuing Holiness
In the Bible, to be Holy means always to be set apart. Children of God are regarded as holy because they were set apart for God to live for His glory and also to become more like Jesus Christ. Christian life in that sense, is all about pursing holiness. In this passage, we learn what it means to pursue holiness so that we become like our Heavenly Father and also like our Lord Jesus Christ.
Marks Of A True Christian – Part 2
In the Bible, God sets aside His redeemed people primarily to fellowship with Him and to glory Him by reflecting His character through His people in this world. God is glorified when His redeemed people show certain marks that remind the world about God and His kingdom. In this passage, we learn how sincere love for others and constantly fighting sin in our lives through repentance and overcoming temptation, are the ongoing marks of a true Christian.