When you think of the Lord’s return, the vivid accounts of Daniel and Revelation comes to mind. But in the Gospel according to Mark, we find few compelling and critical truths about the restoration of the church and the reign of Messiah over this world. Find out what are those critical truths in this week’s sermon.
Topic: Eschatology
Abomination of Desolation
Jesus is preparing his disciples for events—most of them extremely difficult—that will take place after Jesus’ ascension. These troubles are signs of the end; the disciples must be ready to stand firm amidst such trials and suffering. How is Christ’s prophesy not only applicable to the apostles but even the church at large? Find out in this sermon.
Realities of the Christian Age (Part 2)
What is the relationship between persecution of believers and proclamation of the gospel? Does gospel proclamation of believers become stronger when they are persecuted? Take a listen.
Realities of the Christian Age (Part 1)
Jesus’s talk with the disciples on the Mount of Olives is called Olivet Discourse. What is Jesus talking about in the Olivet Discourse? Is he talking about the destruction of the temple, or the end of the world, or the course of history? Take a listen.