In Christ, we have every spiritual blessing granted to us. The first Spiritual blessing is His election or predestination. God chooses sinners before the foundation of world. In this passage, we learn why and how God elects sinners to be saved.
Topic: Election
Handle Stress Biblically
As human beings, we all experience stress, anxiety, fear and worry. This is also a reminder that we cannot control everything in our lives. This reveals our limitation, but also should point us to the God of the Bible. In this passage, we learn through the trials of David, how to handle stress in a way God commands.
The Decrees Of God
‘Decree’ literally means to order something that comes to pass. Christianity rests on the truth about God’s eternal decrees concerning the salvation of men, and controlling all that happens in this universe. Everything is predestined by God. As R.C Sproul once said – “What predestination means, in its most elementary form, is that our final destination, heaven or hell, is decided by God not only before we get there, but before we are even born. It teaches that our ultimate destiny is in the hands of God.” In this sermon, we meditate on the doctrine of God’s Sovereign and unconditional election which was decreed much before the world began.
Thank God For The Blessings Of Your Election
The doctrine of predestination is not meant to make you proud or look down upon others, but rather, it is meant to humble you and be grateful to God. Election does not depend on your goodness or sincerity but on God’s kindness towards you. The Bible makes it very clear that man is sinful and there is nothing desirable in him. In this passage, we learn how God mercifully choosing us has many blessings attached to it.