The Bible says “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts”. It doesn’t describe in the same way about His love, mercy, or justice. Why is there such a description about God’s holiness unlike any of His other attributes? Well, that’s because holiness captures the perfections of all the other attributes of God. Which means, His mercy, justice and love can also be understood as His holy justice, Holy love, and His Holy mercy. To be Holy also means to be set apart or to be separate, which implies that God cannot withstand nor exhibit anything that is unholy. How then does He allow sinners like us to come to Him despite our sinfulness? Listen to the sermon to find out.
Topic: Doctrine of God
The Attributes Of God
We all know that as human beings, we are finite (limited in terms of time, space and power). We’re even limited in terms of knowledge and understanding. Added to that is our moral corruption. For example, we lie and are often fickle-minded, not keeping our word. But the God of the Bible is not like us. In essence, He is infinite (in terms of His presence, power and knowledge), He is unchangeable and He is eternal (not limited by time). In this sermon, we learn how these glorious truths, the attributes of God help us in our Christian life, especially in times of trouble and uncertainty.