Adopt The Lifestyle Of The Cross

God already showed us in scriptures what it means for us to be His children, and what it costs us to follow Him. In many ways, the Cross of Jesus Christ is the way of Christian Life. He humbled Himself to the cross and sacrificed His own life for us, He suffered for our sake, He endured all kinds of rejection from His own people. In this passage, we see how the Cross becomes the model for christian life.

What Jesus Demands From His Followers

Jesus Christ picked up the least in the society to change the whole course of this world. He chose his disciples to establish his church and spread the gospel all over the world. So if you’re a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, He commissions the same to you as he did with the disciples. Listen to this sermon on what does it actually mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ, our Savior and King.