Use Your Christian Liberty Wisely

We often characterize our cultural distinctive by what we eat and drink. This is not necessarily wrong, but it goes wrong when we look down upon others because of our differences in eating and drinking. But the Apostle Paul teaches us in this passage to live in unity and be mindful of other people’s choices despite our different cultural backgrounds. Why is this unity important? Why should our Christian liberty needs to be carefully exercised? Listen to this sermon to find out.

Make Disciples For Christ

Making disciples is not a commission given to just Apostles only but to every Christian as well. It implies that every Christian’s greatest calling in life is to work for the extension of God’s kingdom by joining with other believers in this endeavor; discipleship is a community project. In this passage, we learn how to make disciples for Christ by first becoming a disciple of Christ.

How To Have A Balanced View Of A Pastor

Pastors in the Bible are mainly called to feed God’s sheep i.e His children. In other words, they’re called to be the stewards of God’s household. But how does our culture and our society define the office of a Pastor? Do they have balanced view of Pastors? In this passage, we learn how we can avoid from Idolizing a Pastor and also to prevent ourselves from undermining the calling of a Pastor.

The Church Of God: Introduction To 1 Corinthians

We begin a new series on 1 Corinthians because of its variety of issues applicable to us. This book deals with Church unity, worship, Church discipline, sexual immorality, fellowship, tongues and prophecies, relational conflicts, resurrection and many others. In this sermon, the preacher starts with the book by defining what Christ’s church is all about.

What Jesus Demands From His Followers

Jesus Christ picked up the least in the society to change the whole course of this world. He chose his disciples to establish his church and spread the gospel all over the world. So if you’re a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, He commissions the same to you as he did with the disciples. Listen to this sermon on what does it actually mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ, our Savior and King.