Living In Exile

In the Bible, Israelites living in exile was often a result of their disobedience and their lack of trust in Yahweh. Instead of repenting of their sins, they grumbled against God without understanding His purpose for their lives even during their state of exile. This passage reminds us how we can be like Israelites, but also shows us the remedy to live a purposeful life.

Character Qualities Of An Elder

We have a lot of poor examples of leaders around us, who make big promises but don’t fulfill them. Hypocrisy is so evident in their lives. Many leaders have fallen into sexual immorality, financial mismanagement, abuse of authority in the church etc. Recognizing a man of character has become a difficult task these days. How do we discern the character qualities of an Elder who is not perfect but acceptable in the eyes of God and people? Listen to the sermon to find out.

Do Not Despise Your Singleness

We live in a culture that despises singleness once a person crosses a certain age. Person’s worth is measured by marriage, and marriage is often seen as the only remedy for singleness. But in Christianity, God never bestows value or declares a person’s worth based on their marital status. God bestows his value and worth on people simply because of His undying love for them. In this passage, we learn how God bestows his value on singles in the church and what he expects of them.