In the Bible, even though God opposes the proud or the one who rejects Him, God still expects His people to show love towards unbelievers because He himself is merciful and benevolent towards them. In this passage, we learn how to love unbelievers and also those people who intentionally persecute us.
Topic: Bitterness
Overcoming Frustration With God
Sometimes when we complain and grumble over a situation or a circumstance in our life, we indirectly grumble over God Himself. When we grumble and complain about people whom God has placed under our care or within our reach, we are frustrated with God. But having such an attitude is basically a sin we commit against God. In this passage, we learn about how we can overcome this sin of being frustrated with God our lives.
Be A Committed Christian
What do you do when there ‘seems’ to be no answer from the Lord in your current situation? Would you still remain committed to God? Would you still have a level of trust in the Lord without any bitterness against Him? In this passage, we see three characters from the book of Ruth, who respond very differently to God’s providence in their lives. Their responses teach us what genuine commitment to God looks like.