Grow in Basic Christian Virtues

In Christianity, for a person to grow in godliness, he doesn’t need an instruction manual. What He needs to do is to behold and embrace Christ’s love for himself daily, and that inevitably starts maturing him. It is to grow in his understanding of God’s love for himself that begins to change the heart and causes him to have basic Christian virtues.

Our Eternal Inheritance

God promised Abraham of the inheritance he is going to receive. God promised Israel of the inheritance of the promised land that they are going to receive. God has always promised an inheritance to His people in the Bible, as a way of His loving assurance. All of His promises of inheritance are realized in Jesus Christ, and this itself is worth pondering over, for our entire life.

Beware Of False Teachers

In the Bible, we are always commanded to watch our life and doctrine. This is primarily possible through the regular preaching of God’s word. That means, we are to be careful in appointing teachers who stand on the pulpit to preach God’s word. In this passage, Jesus teaches us how to discern false teachers and practice discernment.

How To Pray

As we continue to learn from the greatest sermon Jesus preached, He teaches us how hypocritical devotion to God is dishonoring to Him and ultimately rendering ineffective service to God and the people around. In this passage, the discourse on prayer especially emphasizes and reflects on God’s Fatherly love for His people as a motivation to pray.

How Should Christians Judge

Every human being judges another person’s character, or food, places, jobs etc. This is true because God made us in His image, which means we are called to evaluate everything around us, and make good use of our discernment. But Jesus prohibits one kind of judgment which we are prone to commit, listen to the sermon to learn more on this topic.

Do Not Be Anxious

Anxiety is a universal mental disease which wrecks our hearts and minds into endless cycle of fear and restlessness. Our Savior Jesus Christ has something very comforting to say in this passage, to those suffering with anxiety. Listen and be encouraged!