Too often in our Christian community the resurrection of Christ is seen as of secondary importance. It is neglected and overlooked until Easter comes around each year. The same disregard for the resurrection is seen in the failure to apply this beautiful doctrine in our own personal lives, apart from merely providing arguments for it in our discussions. In these passages, we learn what power the truth about resurrection produces and transforms those who embrace it as the integral part of their walk with Christ.
Chapter: Various passages
God’s Work Of Providence
Only Christianity as a religion teaches that God works out all things according to His will (Eph. 1:11) showing us that everything has a purpose and that all events occur according to the eternal plan of God. He ordains both the elect and a reprobate’s destiny. The doctrine of Providence also teaches that God is working out every detail of our lives such that He preserves, protects and sustains us in the path of righteousness forever…
God’s Work Of Creation
Evolution theory states that the world came into existence without God and evolved through millions of years, but the Bible doesn’t authenticate any of these claims. In fact, the Bible asserts that this world and the entire universe came into existence through the power of God’s word and that He created all of them through a span of six literal days. He spoke, and things came into existence out of nothing. In this sermon, we learn the beauty of God’s creation, and how evolution is not just incompatible with the Bible’s view of creation, but also an attempt to disprove God’s existence.
The Decrees Of God
‘Decree’ literally means to order something that comes to pass. Christianity rests on the truth about God’s eternal decrees concerning the salvation of men, and controlling all that happens in this universe. Everything is predestined by God. As R.C Sproul once said – “What predestination means, in its most elementary form, is that our final destination, heaven or hell, is decided by God not only before we get there, but before we are even born. It teaches that our ultimate destiny is in the hands of God.” In this sermon, we meditate on the doctrine of God’s Sovereign and unconditional election which was decreed much before the world began.
The Goodness Of God
“God is goodness itself, in whom all goodness is involved. If therefore we love other things for the goodness which we see in them, why do we not love God, in whom is all goodness? All other things are but sparks of that fire, and drops of that sea. If you see any good in the creature, remember there is much more in the Creator. Leave therefore the streams, and go to the fountainhead of comfort.” These are the words by puritan Richard Sibbes beautifully portraying the goodness of God toward mankind. In this sermon, we meditate on God’s goodness and our response to that glorious truth.
The Justice Of God
We live in the world of injustice. What we see is evil, murder, abuse, corruption, partiality, discrimination, rape and the list goes on…We can all sense the injustice around us because we are made in the image of God, we have been given the ability to do Justice. The other sad reality is that we’re not just the recipients or victims of injustice, but also the perpetrators of injustice (even if it’s done in small ways). So how does a just and righteous God deal with injustice around us and injustice because of us? What does God expect from us? Listen to the sermon to find out.
The Holiness Of God
The Bible says “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts”. It doesn’t describe in the same way about His love, mercy, or justice. Why is there such a description about God’s holiness unlike any of His other attributes? Well, that’s because holiness captures the perfections of all the other attributes of God. Which means, His mercy, justice and love can also be understood as His holy justice, Holy love, and His Holy mercy. To be Holy also means to be set apart or to be separate, which implies that God cannot withstand nor exhibit anything that is unholy. How then does He allow sinners like us to come to Him despite our sinfulness? Listen to the sermon to find out.
The Attributes Of God
We all know that as human beings, we are finite (limited in terms of time, space and power). We’re even limited in terms of knowledge and understanding. Added to that is our moral corruption. For example, we lie and are often fickle-minded, not keeping our word. But the God of the Bible is not like us. In essence, He is infinite (in terms of His presence, power and knowledge), He is unchangeable and He is eternal (not limited by time). In this sermon, we learn how these glorious truths, the attributes of God help us in our Christian life, especially in times of trouble and uncertainty.
Who Is God?
The doctrine of the Trinity is unique to the Christian faith. It sets Christianity apart from all other religions. It is a foundational truth of the Bible. No one can be saved without believing and embracing this beautiful doctrine of God. In this sermon, we look at this doctrine and also learn how the truth of the Trinity is embedded in scriptures right from the book of Genesis.