In this passage we see the whole humanity in display. Peter denies Jesus Christ and is brought to shame; he denied his own Master. All the Apostles abandon Jesus and run away (including Peter), but the significance of Peter’s denial is something that depicts Human heart so well. Peter promised that he won’t betray Christ but very soon he fell. As you listen to this sermon, you’ll see how Peter’s reactions teach about human pride and the mess it creates in our lives.
Chapter: Mark 14
Be Faithful to Christ
In this passage we see a friend betraying Jesus with a kiss. We see a man betraying his own Creator for a few pieces of silver. That was a price Judas had, to betray the one who has been nothing but faithful to him and faithful to this world. We will see how the betrayal of Judas and even the disciples reveal the darkness in them, when their lives were more important than being faithful to their sacrificial Savior.
Jesus’s Hour of Trial
Crisis and suffering show character. In the Jesus’s hour of trial, He prophesied that all of His disciples will betray him when their lives are at stake. He did not waver when his life was at stake. In this sermon, you’ll see how Jesus faces his hour of trial with patience and Joy because of His infinite love for his sheep and how that becomes a model for us to face trial and suffering having received the forgiveness for betraying Him, our Savior.
The Lord’s Supper: Sign of Christ’s Love
“Do this in remembrance of me” are the words recited in churches today whenever the Lord’s supper is administered. Jesus says as we eat the broken bread (his body) and drink wine (his blood), we remember Christ’s death. And Christ death proclaims the extent to which God demonstrated His love for us. In this sermon, you will learn that the Lord’s supper is not just a mere ritual to be followed but there’s a higher view i.e it reminds us of His sacrificial love.
The Path of Apostasy
Judas witnessed Christ’s ministry of performing miracles, healing the sick and giving comfort to the destitute. He heard great truths from the best preacher of this world and maintained close relationship with Jesus, and yet he does something which only a friend can do, he betrays Jesus. Judas eventually became an apostate – he renounced his affiliation to Jesus Christ. In this sermon, we see how a person’s path to apostasy looks like and how he’s is not considered to be part of God’s family at all.
Treasure Christ
The only way to know what you treasure in life is by seeing where you invest your time, energy and money. As we continue our study in Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells us what treasuring Him (our Creator) looks like. Follow through the sermon to understand how Christ treasures us and as a result, how can we treasure Him.