The Bible clearly states that causing divisions in the church is an abomination to the Lord. Christ did not die for only one person, He died for His bride i.e His Church (true believers in this world). Therefore He expects us to maintain peace, unity and harmony in the church. The problem is that we’re sinful beings, so there is always a tendency to create discord among believers either for selfish gains or because of spiritual pride. In this passage, we learn how to avoid causing divisions within the church.
Chapter: 1 Corinthians 3
Don’t Treat Pastors Like God!
In our Indian culture, to correct a leader or provide a constructive feedback to a Pastor in the church is considered offensive, and sadly many leaders in our churches are allowed to hold an unquestionable authority. In other words, people often treat Pastors like God. In this passage, the apostle Paul reminds us to not idolize pastors, leaders and deacons of the church because they cannot give life or growth to anybody, only God can!
Cultivate Spiritual Maturity
Just as it is necessary for us to exercise regularly to remain fit and healthy, so it is with our spiritual lives. We need to exercise our faith in Christ through many spiritual disciplines that would help us grow from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity. This also means that with spiritual growth comes greater spiritual responsibilities in our lives. In this Passage, Paul teaches us how to cultivate spiritual maturity.