One of the problems in Corinthian church was division, because everybody wanted to follow a public figure in order to enhance their social status and therefore people started boasting about their allegiance to different “celebrities” and causing great disunity in the church. This is when the Apostle Paul puts people in their place by reminding them of how their redemption, sanctification, wisdom and many other spiritual blessings were only found in Christ and that’s because of God’s grace alone. In this sermon, we’re reminded of how to boast (and be humble) only in Christ.
Chapter: 1 Corinthians 1
How God Humbles The Pride Of Man
Christianity doesn’t demand us to perform many rituals and sacrifice to Idols or become a monk, but it demands us to forsake our selfishness and pride; only then are we able to believe that Christ is the only Savior of our lives because we couldn’t save ourselves from God’s righteous judgment. In this passage we learn how God chooses unintelligent people, people with low social status, people who are not very influential, demonstrating His grace to those who are helpless and crushing the pride of those who believe they are self-sufficient, wise and powerful enough.
Cross: The Power And Wisdom Of God
Mahatma Gandhi did not accept Christ’s death on the cross to be a penalty for the sins of the whole world; likewise many leaders, scientists and philosophers find it hard to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Cross of Christ is the only hope for the world, because Jesus is the only God-Man who has the ability to take the sins of the world upon Himself and save sinners. This Gospel is foolishness to those who are already on their way to eternal destruction, but this Gospel is also life-giving to those who are seeking to be forgiven of their sins. This sermon shows us how the Cross is ultimately the Power of God to bring us unto life of joy and hope.
Share The Gospel: The Calling Of A Christian
Jesus commanded his people to make disciples of all nations. The prerequisite for making disciples is sharing and preaching the gospel wherever they are, that’s the starting point. God doesn’t require His followers to have great eloquence in their speech, they just need to share the gospel – that Christ died as substitute for sinners on the cross and therefore offered the forgiveness for their sins. This is a simple message of hope we’re asked to share and allow God the Holy Spirit to work wonders, because the gospel is the power of God. In this message, we learn how the gospel proclamation is a community project and not one man’s show from the pulpit. Sharing the gospel unashamedly is the only way to see the nations and cultures redeemed for a life of hope.
Christian Unity
The Bible does not command Christians to sacrifice truth and pursue unity among people in the church, and neither does it command us to pursue only truth and not unity. Fundamental truths of the Bible and unity are different sides of the same coin. It is ultimately the gospel which unites us to Christ and His church. In this sermon, we learn about the nature and the need for Christian unity.
Thank God For The Riches You Have In Christ
The Bible repeatedly confirms that we have been given the spiritual blessings in Christ. What Christ has, is given to those who rest in Him. What He did on the cross, the freedom and forgiveness has been granted to those who believe in Him. In this passage, Paul once again affirms all that Christians posses as Christ’s redeemed people. Listen to this sermon to know what God the Father has bestowed on you because of Christ’s perfect obedience and Christ’s perfect sacrifice of His own life on the cross.
The Church Of God: Introduction To 1 Corinthians
We begin a new series on 1 Corinthians because of its variety of issues applicable to us. This book deals with Church unity, worship, Church discipline, sexual immorality, fellowship, tongues and prophecies, relational conflicts, resurrection and many others. In this sermon, the preacher starts with the book by defining what Christ’s church is all about.