Judas witnessed Christ’s ministry of performing miracles, healing the sick and giving comfort to the destitute. He heard great truths from the best preacher of this world and maintained close relationship with Jesus, and yet he does something which only a friend can do, he betrays Jesus. Judas eventually became an apostate – he renounced his affiliation to Jesus Christ. In this sermon, we see how a person’s path to apostasy looks like and how he’s is not considered to be part of God’s family at all.
Book: Mark
Treasure Christ
The only way to know what you treasure in life is by seeing where you invest your time, energy and money. As we continue our study in Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells us what treasuring Him (our Creator) looks like. Follow through the sermon to understand how Christ treasures us and as a result, how can we treasure Him.
The Return of Christ
When you think of the Lord’s return, the vivid accounts of Daniel and Revelation comes to mind. But in the Gospel according to Mark, we find few compelling and critical truths about the restoration of the church and the reign of Messiah over this world. Find out what are those critical truths in this week’s sermon.
Abomination of Desolation
Jesus is preparing his disciples for events—most of them extremely difficult—that will take place after Jesus’ ascension. These troubles are signs of the end; the disciples must be ready to stand firm amidst such trials and suffering. How is Christ’s prophesy not only applicable to the apostles but even the church at large? Find out in this sermon.
Realities of the Christian Age (Part 2)
What is the relationship between persecution of believers and proclamation of the gospel? Does gospel proclamation of believers become stronger when they are persecuted? Take a listen.
Realities of the Christian Age (Part 1)
Jesus’s talk with the disciples on the Mount of Olives is called Olivet Discourse. What is Jesus talking about in the Olivet Discourse? Is he talking about the destruction of the temple, or the end of the world, or the course of history? Take a listen.
Seek the Praise of God Not Man
What does it mean to seek the praise of God and not man. Take a listen.
Jesus Our Divine Human Saviour
Who is Jesus? Is he human? Is he divine? Or is he both? Why does it matter to believe in the complete humanity and divinity of Christ? This sermon answers these questions.
Loving God with all our Being
What does it mean to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? What do we need in order to even begin fulfilling this commandment? Take a listen.
Importance of Knowing Scripture
Christians leaders need to feed the sheep with sound doctrine. When Christian leaders succumb to unbelief, the church suffers. How can we prevent the church from slipping into apostasy? This sermon answers this question.