In the Bible, Israelites living in exile was often a result of their disobedience and their lack of trust in Yahweh. Instead of repenting of their sins, they grumbled against God without understanding His purpose for their lives even during their state of exile. This passage reminds us how we can be like Israelites, but also shows us the remedy to live a purposeful life.
Book: Jeremiah
Be A Pliable Clay in God’s Hand
God often uses man as a vessel for His own Holy purposes. But He not just uses people for His purposes, God also shapes them into a particular vessel so that His children can fulfill their intended purpose in life. In this passage, we learn how God is a potter, and we are His clay who are shaped into Christlikeness as vessels of His glory.
Keep The Lord’s Day Holy
Most of us in theory accept the ten commandments, but in practice observe only the nine commandments. The most neglected commandment by Christians is on observing the Sabbath. In this passage, we learn how God designed Sabbath for His people, and why it still remains to be observed by Christians today.
Overcoming Frustration With God
Sometimes when we complain and grumble over a situation or a circumstance in our life, we indirectly grumble over God Himself. When we grumble and complain about people whom God has placed under our care or within our reach, we are frustrated with God. But having such an attitude is basically a sin we commit against God. In this passage, we learn about how we can overcome this sin of being frustrated with God our lives.
Getting Rid Of Spiritual Pride
In the Bible, when people disobeyed the Lord’s commandments and acted foolishly, they were often rebuked for their spiritual pride. Any time we behave this way, it could be an indication that our disobedience and reliance upon our own wisdom is a sign of Spiritual pride. In this passage, we learn how we can get rid of Spiritual pride.
Enduring Persecution
We live in a culture that is very hostile to Christianity, perhaps increasingly becoming hostile. This is also because the Lord Himself prophesied about persecution. The Lord prophesied about it because the world was already hostile to Him. In this passage, the Lord teaches us how we can endure persecution.
Boast In The Lord
Our boasting in material things and in people is a reflection of how much we have trusted ourselves to the earthly things in life. We even boast in our wisdom and might. But all these things pale in comparison in front of what God is and what He possesses. In this passage, we learn how God’s children are to boast only in Him.
Do Not Be Self-Deceived
Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit through God’s word, a Christian can be self-deceived for this entire life. How can we as Christians avoid self-deception? How can we prevent ourselves from succumbing to the temptations in our lives? In other words, how can we grow more in holiness? Listen to the sermon to find out.
How To Avoid Being An Apostate Church?
God often gently convicts His people of their sinfulness and rebelliousness even when the sins of His people might seem like an insignificant sin, lest such a sin grow into fruition. But when a nation commits idolatry, God also does not withhold from punishing and rebuking them. In this passage, we learn how to avoid being in opposition or hostile to God and His ways in our daily lives.
Becoming A Wise And Understanding People
Christians in the Bible and in general have often been convicted of the foolishness and evilness in being quick to practice what is prohibited by God. How can Christians be wise and understanding people? How can they prevent from making the same mistakes again and again? In other words, how can they be obedient to God? Listen to the sermon to find out.