Christ’s Perfect Protection

In the Bible, prophets, priests and kings have always been imperfect saviors of their own flock. Their leadership was always lacking, and the failures always pointed for a need of having a better savior. OT has always pointed to that One Perfect Savior i.e the Lord Jesus Christ. In this passage, we see how Christ fulfills the need for a better Savior and protector of His people.

Remain Faithful To God

What will you do when you are persecuted and your life is at stake especially because of your obedience to Jesus Christ? Most of us can try to be diplomatic and save our lives if we’re summoned by the government authorities. In this passage, God describes how a true disciple remains to faithful to Him in the midst of persecution.

Being Covenant Keepers

The Bible is filled with God’s promises. These promises are not primarily about God promising to provide for material things. It is about God promising to keep the covenant which He made to His people. However, it’s not just important to see how God kept His promises and will continue to keep them, but also realizing that even His children are called to be faithful to the covenant keeping God of the Bible.

God’s Truth Brings Comfort

Bible is not an instruction manual on how to go to Heaven. It’s a Book given to us by God through His servants, primarily meant to reveal Himself and His plan of redemption for the sinners. It’s only then that the Bible is meant as God’s law for redeemed sinners like us, to walk in the path of righteousness. In this passage, we learn how the Bible is also meant to bring us comfort.